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Biophilia and the Built Environment


Weathertex Event Behavioural Design in a Covid/Post-Covid World Matilde
Matilde Martin, Design Consultant, Biophilia Advocate

Matilde Martin is a Sustainability Advocate with a degree in Interior architecture and a passion for the environment, sustainable practices and Biophilia. Matilde has a broad range of career experience in various Design, Retail and Sustainability fields. Her strong interest in human behaviour and sustainability (plus her belief that the built environment offers the opportunity to make a difference) has made Matilde a passionate campaigner for creating healthier environments through Biophilic Design.

Simply put, Biophilia focuses on those aspects of the natural world that have contributed to human health and productivity in the age-old struggle to be fit and survive. Biophilic Design seeks to connect our inherent need to affiliate with nature in the modern built environment. Biophilia is one way of working towards more sustainable and healthier construction – don’t miss this fascinating discussion. Weathertex … A better choice, Naturally!