
David Baggs, CEO and Program Director at Global GreenTag Australia
David Baggs is CEO and Program Director of Global GreenTagCertTM Australia and the World’s leading LCA based product ecolabelling, rating, certification, EPD and Product Health Declaration (PhD) Program Operator. Voted one of Australia’s Top 100 Most Trusted Building Sector Brands, GreenTag guarantees professionals peace of mind when purchasing or specifying via robust independent science and transparency reporting. David is a multi-award winning green building architect and world renowned sustainability and materials expert, author and keynote speaker with nearly 40 years’ experience. Voted one of Australia’s Top 50 Green Leaders and one of the Top 100 Sustainability Leaders Globally, he is Chair of the Green Building Council of Australia’s Materials Expert Group, an Exemplar Global Lead Auditor and a Past President of the Australian Life Cycle Assessment Society.
"More recently, Global Greentag has taken on the critical task of eliminating Modern Slavery from supply chains. But what puts Greentag in a unique position to help build trust in the green marketplace and maybe even save the planet in the process? Join David Baggs and Mary-Lou Kelly from Global Greentag to learn more.
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