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Virtual Reality in Design Communication


Weathertext Australia event Virtual Reality in Design Communication Rocco
Rocco Alvaro - Director | Vavedo Visual

Rocco Alvaro is a registered Architect with a commitment to improving visual communication in design. Rocco has worked over the years to provide better methods of demonstrating his designs to his clients. He is the Director of Vavedo Visual, a Virtual Reality company with a mission to allow everybody the ability to read and understand floor plans.

"If you want to truly put your building concepts on centre stage, consider a 3D walkthrough animation.

Designers, builders and clients all have varied abilities and methods when it comes to communication. As a result, tools used for communication must be altered to suit the individual and their circumstances. Rocco Alvaro, Director Vavedo Visual will demonstrate a simplified method of communication that is flexible and covers a multitude of industries and individuals using one tool.

A designer may want to communicate their concepts to a client with limited focus on technical details. The same designer draws focus on communicating technical details of the design to a builder. We will discuss how flexible communication creates a set, single visual representation of a development, and an eased design process with all parties focusing on the overall concept rather than individual elements.

Developers sometimes are unable to provide a physical demonstration of a building, prior to construction. With 2D plans being difficult for some clients to read, we will discuss how providing a virtual representation enables clients to foresee the design which enables developers to sell off the plan more effectively. We will discuss how VR creates better communication between buyers and sellers – ensuring client satisfaction and developer accountability.

Lack of skill in interpreting 2D plans makes client understanding of their designs difficult. We will discuss how we are enabling clients to see their 2D plansets, as a virtual walkthrough. This increases confidence in clients; promoting questioning within the plan design, and allowing clients to feel more engaged in the planning process of their design.

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